Sunday, August 24, 2008

Toronto Fan Expo 2008

So I went to my first Convention in years. Movies Sci Fi Horror Anime Comics Artists Directors and Actors and FANS. Omigod I should say FANATICS!!! These fans were wearing Costumes, taking photos with their Cameras and spending lots of CASH!
I came to realise how much i hate line ups now. You lined up to buy tickets, lined up to get into the show, line up to see any personalities, lined up to get down the aisles...well you get the idea...

I would say a couple of the coolest things was that one of my favourite all time artists was there. Brian Bolland. He pretty much has drawn the best Batman Joker story of all time and some of the sexiest females... It was cool just to watch him draw...

If I ever can afford a commission of his work, I will have to get him to draw me something..
I also got ot see Henry Winkler, "the Fonz". Heh after 30 years he still is the coolest ;)

I have to thank "my goddess" for accompanying us guys. I think it was most "stressful" for her. I am sure there were many other places she would have rather been...

As for training. It is non existent. My knee is better and I am playing hockey but that is about it (oh and walking 7 to 10 k a day at work)... I think I will start spinning today or tomorrow and then some light running next week...

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