Sunday, January 18, 2009

Snow is Falling All Around...

And it's frickin cold...OK it was frickin cold.

Wait. Happy New Year!

To all my friends and followers.

We are alive in 09! Wa frickin hoo!

Now back to the weather report.

If someone told me we would have the same amount of snow this Winter as last winter, I would have said I hope to hell this doesn't happen! Well it is happening and it has been frickin cold too! Bah I know I'm Canadian eh!??! And I should be used tro all this snow but I'm from the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) we are more like New York City in terns of latitude or is it longitude? A little cooler but we are not supposed to have this much snow! I'm tired of seeing it tasting it driving in it shovelling it...I want warm and I want it NOW! Are you sensing a trend here!?! I am in need of a restart and I know it is a new year so I hope to see some holidays in February.

I want it HOT! And I want it now...Maybe it's my cold talking but I'm phlemmed up and I don't like it...

We may do a last minute deal thingies my passport is in order so I am ready...

My Goddess is on the show trail.
She is in the Spring One of A Kind show this year it isn't for a couple months so I'll keep you apprised.

The dog makes us laugh. She isn't Didger but she is her own personality. The cattledog is "strong in this one ...."

Until we meet again ... Yah I know weekly is better. Maybe bi-weekly ...OK OK don't get carried away!


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