Saturday, April 26, 2008

Running and Puppies!

Well I haven't updated in a while. It's been a crazy month!

My nephew was in the hospital for what started as a life threatening illness (first thought to be mono then Spinal Meningitis and finally a Staph infection) turned into a week stay (or a weak stay) thanks to excellent health care from Sick Kids Hospital and the strength of the little guy he was able to come out of it. Though he was knocked back down with Chicken Pox (last week) Sigh, they say because his immune system was weakened from his fight with the Staph infection. Well as I said he is a tough little guy and he is on the mend...

Now as for winter hockey we were knocked out first round but we are about to start Spring/Summer hockey next week! I started some dry land training in April including runnin an "easy" 5k two or three times a week, gonna introduce some core work as I felt I finished the hockey season really slow of foot (even slower than usual)...

Now for the fun! Puppies! Leah an I are looking for a new four legged friend to add to our family and though it was a little late (we tried to find Didger's breeder but she is out of breeding) So we found a breeder near London Ontario who was waiting for her girl to give birth (a little late for the season but..) and the results were 6 pups 3 boys and 3 girls. The picture is the three girls (left side is just born and right side is 2 days later) We have 3rd choice so... we shall see...


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